
This blog contains regular postings relating to the Traditional Latin Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It includes regular commentary on the saints days and the liturgical cycle, with brief background and extracts from the liturgy both in Latin and English. Much of the material has been extracted from the 'St Andrew's Daily Missal', Dom Gueranger's 'Liturgical Year', or similar sources.

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Thursday 7 May 2015

7th May, St Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr

St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr

St. Stanislaus, born in Poland, was made bishop of Cracow in 1072. He became an object of hatred to Boleslas II, whom he reproached for his tyranny and dissolute life. One day, while the saint was saying Mass, the king rushed at him and slew him (Collect). This was in 1079. St. Stanislaus is the patron of Poland.

Protexisti me, Deus, a conventu malignantium, alleluja: a multitudine operantium iniquitatem, alleluja, alleluja. * Exaudi, Deus, orationem meam cum deprecor: a timore inimici eripe animam meam.
Thou hast protected me, O God, from the assembly of the malignant, alleluia: from the multitude of the workers of iniquity, alleluia, alleluia. * Hear, O God, my prayer, when I make supplication to Thee: free my soul from the fear of the enemy.
(Psalm 63:3,2 from the Introit of Mass)

Deus, pro cujus honore gloriosus Pontifex Stanislaus gladiis impiorum occubuit: praesta, quaesumus: ut omnes, qui ejus implorant auxilium, petitionis suae salutarem consequantur effectum.
O God, for whose honour the glorious bishop Stanislaus fell under the swords of the wicked: grant, we beseech Thee, that all who implore his aid, may obtain salutary answer to their prayers.

From the Catholic Encyclopaedia:

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