
This blog contains regular postings relating to the Traditional Latin Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It includes regular commentary on the saints days and the liturgical cycle, with brief background and extracts from the liturgy both in Latin and English. Much of the material has been extracted from the 'St Andrew's Daily Missal', Dom Gueranger's 'Liturgical Year', or similar sources.

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Tuesday 25 October 2016

25th October, SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs

SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs

Chrysanthus, an Egyptian from Alexandria, and his wife Daria from Athens, were tortured in Rome under the prefect Celerinus, and condemned by the Emperor Numerian to be thrown into a sandpit on the Salarian Way; they died buried alive under a heap of earth and stones, AD 283.

Intret in conspectu tuo, Domine, gemitus compeditorum: redde vicinis nostris septuplum in sinu eorum: vindica sanguinem sanctorum tuorum, qui effusus est. * Deus, venerunt gentes in haereditatem tuam: polluerunt templum sanctum tuum: posuerunt Jerusalem in pomorum custodiam.
Let the sighing of the prisoners come in before Thee, O Lord; render to our neighbours sevenfold in their bosom; revenge the blood of Thy saints, which hath been shed. * O God, the heathens are come into Thy inheritance: they have defiled Thy holy temple: they have made Jerusalem as a place to keep fruit.
(Psalm 78:11-12,1 from the Introit of Mass)

Beatórum Mártyrum tuórum, Dómine, Chrysánthi et Daríae, quaesumus, adsit nobis orátio: ut, quos venerámur obséquio, eórum pium júgiter experiámur auxílium.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, may the prayers of Thy blessed martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria be our stay: and may we who seek to do them devout honour, at all times feel their kindly help.

From the Catholic Encyclopaedia:

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